The Queen's collection contains between 80 to 90 carefully selected handpicked roses from Ecuador and professionally arranged into a handmade luxury gift box, this Large box is a great way to say “I Love You” or a Perfect Romantic Gift that will make a long-lasting memory for someone special.
This collection requires minimal maintenance, lasting for as long as three years. And the queen's collection comes with a lot of gifts that will instantly catch the attention of the recipient: free 3D greeting cards, message card, flower duster, and a soft touch luxury box.
This is a breathtaking presentation of long lasting roses in a deluxe box -surely, the ultimate gift for the queen of your heart? The artistic arrangement showcases the color and detail of each plump rose to sublime effect, creating a show-stopping display that will captivate all who look upon it.
This box will make her speechless, making her remember the person and occasion in which it was given.
- 12"X12"X9"
- 80-90 Everlasting 3cm Real Roses that last a Year to Three Years!
- Soft Touch Luxury Box
- Free 3D Greeting Cards Included
- Custom Message Card Included
- Free Flower Duster Included