Handpicked and professionally arranged by our experienced florist, The Princess Collection is what you need to blow her mind instantly. Every time she sees this luxury roses, she will always think about you.
This collection contains between 36 to 42 preserved roses that have been treated with a special formula to keep them bright and colorful for up to three years. It comes with a custom message cards for you to express your undying love and feelings for that special person.
Truly, a display fit for a princess! Overflowing with romantic intent, this arrangement speaks of adoration in a message delivered straight from the heart. There's no better way to express your love than by gifting roses that last a year. When presented in such an elegant box, your meaning becomes all the more profound.
Another thing is that the roses are easy to maintain – they don’t need water, unlike the fresh roses.
- 12"x12"x9"
- 36-42 Everlasting 2.5 Inch Real Roses that last for a Year to Three Years!
- Soft Touch Luxury Round Box
- Custom Message Card Included
All rose arrangements are custom made to your order. Due to the fact that these are natural persevered roses they do vary in shape, color and size from what you may see in the pictures on our website. Our designer florists design each box with love this is why they make each box as perfect as they can according to your order.